четвер, 16 січня 2014 р.

The Present Continuous Tense

The Present Continuous Tense (теперішній тривалий час) – показує дію, яка відбувається на момент говоріння (зараз)

I (я)                             am

You (ти)                     are
He/she (він/вона)      is

We (ми)                     are
You (ви)                    are
They (вони)              are
-         Розповідна форма утворюється за допомогою am, is, are після підмета (S) та до дієслова (V) додається закінченняing

S +  am/is/are   +   Ving

I am eating now. – Я їм зараз.
You are watching cartoons now. – Ти дивишся мультики зараз.
He/she is riding a bike now. – Він/вона катається на велосипеді зараз.
We/they are flying a kite now. – Ми/вони запускають паперового змія зараз.
-         Заперечна форма утворюється

S +  am/is/are   + not + Ving

I am not eating now. – Я не їм зараз.
You are not watching cartoons now. – Ти не дивишся мультики зараз.
He/she is not riding a bike now. – Він/вона не катається на велосипеді зараз.
We/they are not flying a kite now. – Ми/вони не запускають паперового змія зараз.

-         Питальна форма утворюється


Am/is/are    +  S   + Ving ?

Are you eating now? –Ти їси зараз?
Are you watching cartoons now? – Ти дивишся мультики зараз?
Is he/she riding a bike now? – Він/вона катається на велосипеді зараз?
Are we/they flying a kite now? – Ми/вони запускають паперового змія зараз?

Travail de controle 5 classe

Travail de controle
1.    Перекладіть речення на французьку мову:
·       Моя мама – красива.

·       Ця дівчинка висока і худа.

·       Анатоль має кругле обличчя та довгий ніс.

·       Її сестра – маленька.

·       Бруно має хвилясте волосся.

·       Красива чашка знаходиться на столі.( sur-на)

·       Я знаю цього хлопчика. Це – Ніколя.

·       Вони знають Маріон.

2.    Розкрийте дужки:

1)   Cette fille est (sympathique).
2)   Je ( connaitre) ces enfants. Ils sont mes voisins.

3)   Une femme ( avoir) un visage ( oval) et un nez ( long).

4)   Mon pere est ( brune) et ma mere est aussi ( brune).

5)   Cette regle est tres ( long).
6)   Elles sont ( petit).
7)   C est Marion. Elle est ( jeune) et (beau).

    3.Провідміняйте дієслова:
1 variant – avoir, connaitre.
2 variant – etre, connaitre

Контрольна робота з читання 9 клас (франц.мова)

Compréhension lecture
Classe de 9e
Deux amis
C’était la guerre de 1870. Paris était bloqué. Il n’y avait rien à manger. M. Morissot se promenait tristement le long d’un boulevard quand il rencontra tout à coup M. Sauvage, avec qui il avait souvent péché avant la geurre.
Le temps était si beau, le ciel si bleu que les deux amis décidèrent d’aller à la péche. Pour sortir de Paris il fallait avoir un laisser-passer. Ils le reçurent faciliment et les voilà en pleine campagne. Ils se mirent en route avec précaution profitant des buissons pour se couvrir. Ils arrivèrent au bord de la rivière. Il n’y avait personne. Ils étaient seuls, un silence profond régnait autour d’eux. Tout à coup des soldats prussiens apparurent et les emportèrent dans une barque. L’officier prit les deux pêcheurs pour des espions. Il voulait savoir le mot d’ordre pour passer les lignes françaises. Les deux amis refusèrent de répondre et on les fusilla.

Les mots nouveaux :
1. un laisser-passer – пропуск;
2. en pleine – серед;
3. unе précaution – обережність;
4. profiter – скористатися;
5. fusiller – розстріляти;
6. Les espions – шпигуни;
7. le mot d’ordre – пароль;
8. régnait – панувала.

Compréhension lecture
Classe de 9e
Test № 1. Marquez les phrases qui correspondent au contenu du texte par un  « + », et celles qui ne corresondent pas – par un « - » : Note – 1-3
1. Paris était bloqué parce que c’était la guerre.
2.  Il n’y avait rien à boire.
3. Avant la guerre les deux amis aimaient pêcher.
4. Ils arrivèrent au boulevard.
5. Les deux pêcheurs étaient des espions
6. L’officier prit les deux pêcheurs pour des espions.
1. C’était la guerre de 1870.
2. Morissot se promenait au bord de la rivière.
3. M. Morissot se promenait gaiement le long d’un boulevard.
4. Il était facile de sortir de la ville.
5. Tout à coup des soldats prussiens les emportèrent dans une barque.
6. On les fusilla

Compréhension lecture
Test 2. Choisissez la bonne réponse: Note – 1-3
1. Les deux amis sont sortis de la ville
a) pour se promener
b) parce que le temps  était beau
c) parce qu’il n’y avait rien à manger
2. C’était la guerre de
a) 1870
b) 1874
3. Le laisser-passer fut reçu
a) facilement
b) avec difficulté
c) grâce au courage des deux amis
4. Il voulait savoir le mot d’ordre pour
a) passer les lignes françaises
b) ouvrir la porte
c) passer les lignes ukrainniens
5. Les Prussiens ont fusillé les deux amis
a) pour s’amuser
b) pour pouvoir passer les lignes françaises
c) pour savoir le mot d’ordre
6. Les deux amis refusèrent de répondre et on les
a) fusilla
b) laisser aller
c) mercier

1. Pourquoi les deux amis mirent-ils en route avec précaution?
a) parce qu’ils ne voulaint pas effrayer les poissons
b) parce qu’ils avaient peur d’être pris par les Prussiens
c) parce qu’ils avaient le mot d’ordre
2. L’officier voulait savoir
a) comment ça va
b) le mot d’ordre
c) quelle heure
3. Quand les deux amis arrivèrent au bord de la rivière
a) il y avait du monde
b) il n’y avait personne
c) une barque les attendait
4. L’officier prit les deux pêcheurs
a) pour s’amuser
b) pour pouvior passer les lignes françaises
c) pour des espions
5. Les deux amis refusèrent de
a) manger
b) répondre
c) boire
6. Tout à coup des soldats prussiens les emportèrent dans
a) une barque
b) une maison
c) une cave

Compréhension lecture
Test 3. Répondez aux questions suivantes: Note – 1-3

1. Pourquoi les deux amis mirent-ils en route avec précaution?
2. Comment se sont appellés les deux amis?
3. Pour sortir de Paris il fallait avoir un laisser-passer?
4. Où  les soldats prussiens les emportèrent?
5. L’officier voulait-il savoir le mot d’ordre?
6. Est-ce que  les deux amis étaient les deux pêcheurs

1. Pourquoi Paris était bloqué?
2. En quelle année était la guerre?
3. Qui M. Morissot rencontra-t-il?
4. Les Prussiens ont fusillé les deux amis. Pourquoi?
5. Est-ce que  les deux amis refusèrent de répondre?
6. Ils étaient seuls?

Compréhension lecture
Test 4. Complétez ou mettez le mot manqué dans la phrase: Note – 1-3

1. L’officier voulait savoir……
2. Quand les deux amis arrivèrent au bord de la rivière......
3. L’officier prit les deux pêcheurs......
4. Les deux amis refusèrent de.......
5. Tout à coup des soldats prussiens les emportèrent dans......
6. Morissot se promenait au bord de.........

1. Les deux amis sont sortis de la ville.......
2. C’était la guerre de.........
3. Le laisser-passer fut reçu ........
4. Il voulait savoir le mot d’ordre pour.......
5. Les Prussiens ont fusillé les deux amis....
6. Les deux amis refusèrent de répondre et on les.......

Test in civilization 10th form

Test in civilization 10th form
1.      Read the text and choose whether the statements below are true or false
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre. It is one of the largest cities in the world and the largest city in Europe. Its population is about 8 million people.
London is situated on the both banks of the river Thames. Today in its full extent Greater London covers 625 square miles. Traditionally London is divided into several parts: The City, Westminster, The West End,
The East End. They are rather different from one another. The City is the heart of London.
Numerous banks , offices and firms are situated there. It is the financial centre of the UK, with many banks offices and Stock Exchange. But the city is also a market for goods from all parts of the world. The City extends over an area of about 2,6 square kilometers. About half a million people work there, but less than 6 thousand live there.
Westminster is the historic centre of government. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there. There are beautiful houses and gardens belonging to the wealthy people. Oxford Street in the West End is the endless shopping area which attracts visitors from all over the world.
The East End is the poorest part of London. There are a lot of Factories and docks here. The port of London is also in the East End. The street in the East End are narrow, the buildings are not attractive. The East End is populated by working class families.

1.      Its population is about 8 million people.
2.      London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural centre.
3.      Traditionally London is divided into several parts: The City, Westminster, The West End, and The East End.
4.      London is situated on the both banks of the river Thames.
5.      The City is the heart of London.
6.      The best hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres are situated there.
7.      It is the financial centre of the UK.
8.      The East End is the poorest part of London.
9.      Westminster is the historic centre of government.
10.  About half a million people work there, but less than 6 thousand live there.
11.  There are a lot of Factories and docks here.
12.  The port of London is also in the East End.
2.      Combine the parts of the sentences:

1London is the capital of Great Britain…                                             
1… with many banks offices and Stock Exchange.

2It is one of the financial centre of the UK, …                                      
2… the both banks of the river Thames.

3London is situated on …
. 3 … its political, economic and cultural centre.

4Traditionally London is divided into several parts:…                       
4…the largest cities in the world and the largest  
    city in Europe.
5 It is one of  …                                        
5…The City, Westminster, The West End, the East End

Тема урокуRound the calendar
Підтема: Seasons And Weather
Мета уроку:
        закріплення вивчених лексичних одиниць з теми;
         покращення навичок читання та говоріння;
         розвиток навичок аудіювання та письма;
        виховання в учнів культури відзначання  різних свят
       формування вмінь у школярів (робота з підручником, роздатковим матеріалом, вміння працювати у різних режимах, вміння самостійно долати труднощі у вивченні іноземної мови);
      розвиток логічного мислення;
      розвиток пам’яті, уяви та уваги.
Тип уроку: урок розвитку знань, умінь, навичок.
Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, комп’ютер, проектор, слайди з завданням, підручник  English 4(Oksana Karpiuk, Natalya Kohut)
I.                  Introduction
T. Good-morning, children. I am happy to see you at our English lesson.
 Pl. Good-morning, dear teacher,
T. I am so glad to see you on this wonderful winter day, because winter is my favourite season. I like winter weatherand how nature looks in this season. Do you like winter weather? What is the weather like in winter? (P1, P2)
 And there are many holidays in winter. What are they? Can you tell me, please?
P2- They are: New Year and Christmas.
T- Right you are! When do we celebrate them?  What do we usually do on these holidays?
 T - So, today we shall speak about different seasons, weather and holidays.We’ll pay much attention to winter holidays in particular. We shall have some listening and reading practice and, of course, you will have some fun exercises.. Be active and attentive.
The theme of our lesson is “Seasons and Holidays”  Slide 1,2
T. Let’s start our lesson with revision of the weather in different seasons of the year.( slide3). Speak about it using our blackboard. ( slide3,4,5,6).
Read the description of nature in every season putting words instead of pictures.

T. Well-done, thank you. And at home you had to learn some words and expressions to describe nature in different seasons. Let’s see how you coped with the task.( Reading the texts ) ( slides7,8,9 )

II. Main part of the lesson
T.Perfect. I see now that you are ready to have some listening practice. Be attentive because after listening you will do the exercise on your cards. Look through the task, please.
Hi, friends! I am Ann. I am from Canada. My family is not big. I have
got a mother, a father and a little brother Tom. We all like different
seasons. I like autumn. It is a beautiful season. September, October,
November are autumn months. Sometimes the weather is wet, cool and
foggy but I like the rain and the nature. Trees and ground are covered
 with red, yellow and brown leaves. Birds fly away to warm countries
but it`s so nice to walk in the forest and to gather mushrooms and berries.
       There are many fruit and vegetables in autumn, too.
              My mom`s favourite season is spring. Spring months are March,
April, May. Nature awakens from long winter sleep and everything
is wonderful. Trees blossom, first flowers appear, birds come back from
warm countries and children build bird houses for them. Mother likes to
pick up the first flowers and to listen to the bird`s singing in the morning.

            My brother Tom likes winter. December, January, February are
winter months. He likes snowy and frosty weather as he is fond of skating on the skating-rink and playing snowballs with his friends. Soft white snow covers
 the ground and trees and everything is beautiful. We celebrate New Year
 and Christmas in winter and we always decorate a Christmas tree at home
 and have a holiday dinner.
              Daddy is fond of summer. June, July, August are summer months. He likes hot and sunny weather. He has got a long vocation in summer and can do
a lot of things. He goes boating and fishing very often. He likes swimming
 in the river and get tanned. He is good at sport and plays football or bad-
minton with Tom or with me. Besides, Dad has got his birthday in summer.
- Post-listening
Card (slide10)
1.     What is Ann’s favourite season?
Ann`s favourite season is _________(autumn).
2.     Whad does Ann like about autumn?
Ann likes _________(the rain and the nature).
3.     What is Mother`s favourite season?
Mother`s favourite season is________(spring).
4.     What happens to nature in spring?
In spring nature awakens from_________ (the long winter sleep).
5.     What does mother like to do in spring?
Mother likes ________(listening to birds` singing in the evening).
6.     What is Tom fond of?
Tom is fond of ___(skiing and making snow castles) with his friends.
7.     What is Dad`s favourite season?
Dad`s favourite season is ________(summer).
8.     What does he do very often?
Dad goes_____( fishing and boating) very often.
9.     What games does he play?
He plays football and  _______( badminton).
10.                       What holiday does father have in summer?
Dad has got his ________(birthday)  in summer.

T -  Do you have yor favourite season? Tell us about it. Use the
plan ( slide 11)
*    Months of the season
*    Weather
*    Describing of the nature
*    Children`s activities
*    Clothes people wear
( P1, P2…)
(two pairs work on the dialogues using the example on the blackboard) P1-P2

- What is your favourite season?
 - My favourite season is…..
- What are ….. Months?
 - ….. Months are: ……
- what is the weather like in …?
 - The weather is… (nature, birds, trees…)
 - what do children do in…?
 - They usually….
- What clothes do they wear?
  - They usually wear…
(slide 12)

T -  Some of you told that you enjoy winter, so do i. Let’s have a little rest and sing our favourite winter song ( Jingle Bells ) (slide 13)

 T - We are ready now to read the text of ex.3, p.73 «THE CALENDAR AND THE HOLIDAYS». While I read the text you should be attentive because after reading you’ll do some tasks. But first have a look at the words from the text   ( slide 14)

To honour - вшановувати (видатних людей,шанувати вчителів)
a parade – парад (цікавий парад,святковий парад)
firework – феєрверк (чудовий феєрверк, святковий феєрверк)
national – національний (національні свята, національний костюм)
a custom – звичай (цікавий звичай, кумедний звичай,багато звичаїв)

Exercise (writing)

Fill in the gaps with the corresponding words (slide 15)
honour               national           parade           customs            fireworks
Our country has got many _____________ holidays and a lot of interesting ___________. On Victory Day all people __________ veterans. Children give them flowers and make concerts. We always have a __________ in honour of the victory. In the evenings all people like watching beautiful ______________.

T: Who can start reading the text? (P1, P2…)

   T. Now do the following tasks 
Ex.4, p.74. Choose and write the correct variant. ( then pupils read their variants)

II.               Summing-up
 T - Well, children, you worked perfectly today. Was our lesson interesting?
What did you like most of all? Why? You deserve the following marks…
Your home-task ( slide 16)is to write about your favourite winter holiday and the way you celebrate it in your family.

Thank you for the lesson. See you next time. Good bye!