середу, 26 березня 2014 р.

Музика у США

Тема: Музика у США
Практична: практикувати навички вживання активної лексики, навички підготовленого та непідготовленого мовлення.
Освітня: познайомити учнів з відомостями про походження різних музичних стилів, музичні традиції США.
Розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання та вживання граматичної структури the Future Simple Passive Voice.

Хід уроку
Ввідна бесіда:
Teacher: Good morning, everyone! I’m glad to see you. Sit down, please. Who’s on duty today? Who’s absent?
Повідомлення теми та завдань уроку:
Teacher: Today we shall continue speaking about music. We shall:revise music styles; speak about the role of music in your life; learn new information about music in the USA .
Основна частина уроку:
Мовленнєва розминка (повторення вивченого лексичного матеріалу):
Teacher: Now close everything. Your task is to listen to the definition of a word and name the word. N will go to the blackboard and write the words there:
*    A kind of music with strong rhythm, often improvised (jazz).
*    Music serious and conventional in style (classical music).
*    Rhymes spoken with a backing of rock music (rap).
*    Modern popular music (pop music).
*    A kind of popular dance music with a strong beat, originating in the 1950s (rock’n’roll).
*    Popular music with a heavy beat (rock music).
*    A person’s mind and emotions (a soul).
*    To play music, especially on a piano, that supports a singer or another player (to accompany).
*    Modern, up-to-date (contemporary).
*    Something that fills a person with new ideas or creative feeling (inspiration).
*    Something that produces new strength for a person (refreshment).

Перевірка домашнього завдання:
Teacher: So you can see that the world of music is very rich.
N, tell us about the role of music in your life. Everyone, listen to N attentively and be ready to answer my questions.
Teacher: You already know many music styles. And now we shall find out where these music styles come from. Listen to the text “Music in the USA” and be ready to do the exercises after the text.


Different kinds of music come from different parts of the United States. The origins of jazz are as interesting as the music itself. American Negros or blacks as they are called today invented jazz. They were sold to plantation owners and forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields. This work was hard and life was short. When a Negro died his friends and relatives formed a procession to carry the body to the cemetry. They sang their own songs.
The Deep South is the home of Blues music. Blues comes from the songs of the black slaves. They sang about their hard life. New Orleans is famous for traditional jazz. Nashville, Tennessee is the capital of country music. Country music comes from the folk songs of Britain and Ireland. The first white settlers took these songs to America.
Detroit is the home of another kind of black music – Motown. Detroit has a big car industry and a lot of black people work there. Motown means ‘Motor Town’. Soul music comes from Motown.
In the 60s and 70s West Coast music started in California. This is bright, happy music. There are lots of songs about surfing. The Beach Boys were a famous West Coast band.
New York is famous for modern jazz. There are lots of jazz clubs in Greenwich Village. New York is also the centre of musical theatre. Broadway has a lot of famous theatres.
Jazz is America’s contribution to popular music.
Teacher: Are these statements true or false?
Different kinds of songs come from different parts of the United States. (-)
American Indians invented jazz. (-)
Blues comes from the songs of the black slaves. (+)
New Orleans is the capital of country music. (-)
Country music comes from the folk songs of Britain and Ireland. (+)
Detroit has a big textile industry and a lot of black people work there. (-)
Soul music comes from Motown. (+)
In the 50s and 60s West Coast music started in California. (-)
The Beach Boys were a famous Motown band. (-)
Broadway has a lot of famous theatres. (+)
Teacher: Choose the right variant:
Different kinds of music come from
а)     different towns of the USA;
б)    different people of the USA;
в)     different parts of the USA.
Jazz was invented by American Negros or blacks
а)     as their owners are called today;
б)    as they are called today;
в)     as the cotton fields are called today.
The black slaves were sold to plantation owners and
а)     forced to sing songs in the cotton and tobacco fields;
б)    forced to work long hours in the cotton and tobacco fields.
American Negros sang about
а)     their weddings;
б)    their happiness;
в)     their hard life.
New Orleans is famous for
а)     country music;
б)    surfing;
в)     traditional jazz.
Soul music comes from
а)     Tennessee;
б)    West Coast;
в)     Motown.
Country music comes from folk songs
а)     of African Negros;
б)    of American car workers;
в)     of Britain and Ireland.

There are many jazz clubs in
а)     West Coast;
б)    Greenwich Village;
в)     Motor Town.
Заключна частина уроку

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