четвер, 21 березня 2013 р.

План-конспект уроку у 7 класі на тему « Спорт. Здоровий спосіб життя»

План-конспект уроку у 7 класі на тему « Спорт. Здоровий спосіб життя»
                                          Мета уроку
1.    Активізувати вживання ЛО теми в усному мовленні
2.    Практикувати в аудіюванні з метою одержання необхідної інформації
3.    Розвивати ініціативу та вміння вести бесіду
    4. Виховувати бажання вести здоровий спосіб життя

                                                                 Хід уроку 

Початок уроку
1. Привітання

T.Good morning
I am glad to see you.
P.: Good morning,
T.: Sit down, please. Let’s begin our lesson. What date is it today?
Р.: It is the 2nd of February.
T.: What day of the week is it today?
Р.: It is Wednesday

2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

3. Фонетична зарядка.

T.: At first, we must repeat some sounds to speak about kinds of sport.
[t] team, sport, tennis, table tennis
[r] cricket, run, ground, rugby
[w] wood, white, swimming, weight, weightlifting
[d] deep, end, speed, develop

4. Мовленнєва зарядка.

What sport do you prefer?
What activities don’t you like?
What summer sports do you know?
What winter sports do you know?
What sport is played all year round?

 Teacher- Now, please, agree or disagree with my statements.
Sport builds character.
Sport makes you strong.
Sport takes a lot of time.
Sport is boring.
There are winter and summer Olympic Games.

Основна частина

1. Listening Activity
 Listen to a story and continue to complete the columns.
My name is Suzanne. I love many sports, but best of all I like skiing. I first skied when I was 6 years old and lived in Canada. And then for many years I couldn’t go skiing as I lived in hot places. But now I live in England and I began skiing again.
But the best place for me to ski now is Alps.
The equipment you need is skis, boots and poles. Clothes are very important too because they protect you from cold weather. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes, socks, mittens.
I want to say that I’m not the world’s greatest skier, I’m a safe skier, but that doesn’t stop you having a wonderful time. 

·        -Which sport does Suzanne talk about?
·        -How often does she do it?
·        -Where does she do it?
·        -What equipment does she need?
·        -Does she like it?
·        -Is she good at it?

2. Arrange these words to make sentences.
1.      go    never   I    almost    fishing.
2.      always   they  tennis  the   at  play  weekends.   
3.      go  do  often  jogging  how  you ?
4.      every do  we day  exercises  morning.
5.      ever  Charlie  do  does  aerobics?      
6.      do on  you  what usually Saturdays  do?

3. Check  how often you do each of the things in the chart.

Every day
or twice
a week
Not very
do aerobics
go jogging
go swimming
do exercises
play basketball
go fishing
play football

4. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
          What sports do you do? Where do you do it? How often…? Are you good at...?

5. Put different kinds of physical activity in the order of importance.
          Pupils work in groups   
summer sports                        morning exercises
winter sports                          walking
jogging                                   working in the garden
indoor games                          bodybuilding
outdoor games                        aerobics

Заключна частина

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